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Dates - Archives

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Date Show City Locality/District
22.07.2017 Fanfare tout terrain Sassetot-le-Mauconduit 76
08.09.2017 - 09.09.2017 Rigoletto Blois 41
16.09.2017 Le bonheur est dans le chant Saint-Jean de Védas 34
17.09.2017 La baronnade Murat 15
09.06.2018 La baronnade Langres 52

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The Grooms are currently touring with 5 shows (Fanfare tout terrain, La baronnade, Un roi Arthur, Le bonheur est dans le chant and Rigoletto). Most of the time the company performs in festivals but is also available for bookings in theatres, special events and private functions.

We perform between 50-70 times annually, all over France, but we also perform regularly abroad (between 25% and 40% of our work).